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The sad passing of Herb Wright

Dear Paleolimnology Colleagues,

I am sorry to report that Herb Wright passed away Thursday afternoon (12 November 2015). He celebrated his 98th birthday on September 13, 2015.

Herb was one of our inaugural winners of the International Paleolimnology Association (IPA) Lifetime Achievement Awards in Mexico in 2009.

His IPA 2009 citation read:

Herbert E. Wright, Jr. is among the world’s most productive and highly recognized Quaternary scientists. He has led a remarkable scientific career that has touched on many of the pivotal questions of recent earth history, he has mentored and inspired more than 70 graduate students and numerous visiting scholars from around the globe, and he has been the recipient of many of the highest awards in his field. Herb continues to be actively engaged in science and to write and publish, and his home still serves, after almost 50 years, as the venue for Wednesday evening seminars in Quaternary paleoecology at the University of Minnesota.

As part of the IPA award, Herb published a summary of his career in the J. Paleolimnology at:

Wright, H. E. 2010. High points in paleolimnological studies as viewed by a convert. J. Paleolimnology 44: 497-503.

He will be very much missed by our community.


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