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Guadalajara 2009

At the 11th International Symposium in Glasgow the IPA honoured the following people, for our various awards:

Lifetime Award Recipient Citations

The text of the talks given on receipt of the Lifetime Achievement Award were published in 2010 in the Journal of Paleolimnology 44(2).

Herb Wright

Herbert E. Wright, Jr. is among the world's most productive and highly recognized Quaternary scientists. He has lead a remarkable scientific career that has touched on many of the pivotal questions of recent earth history, he has mentored and inspired more than 70 graduate students and numerous visiting scholars from around the globe, and he has been the recipient of many of the highest awards in his field.


Herb continues to be actively engaged in science and to write and publish, and his home still serves, after almost 50 years, as the venue for Wednesday evening seminars in Quaternary paleoecology at the University of Minnesota.

So I'd traveled the globe, not heeded nor aided,

To seek out a lake of my own,

Only to find, a world perforated

Like Swiss cheese by Herb's Livingstone.

J.E. Almendinger

Herb’s paper can be found here


Dan Livingstone

Daniel Livingstone has now retired as the James B. Duke Professor Emeritus of Biology and Research Professor of Geology Earth & Ocean Sciences at Duke University. Dan's contributions are wide-ranging, and include some of the pioneering work on Arctic and temperate lakes. However, Dan is perhaps best known for his pioneering work on African paleolimnology, where he and his students have made many important contributions. For example, using paleoenvironmental approaches, he had demonstrated that tropical climates were far more variable that many ecologists and climatologists used to think (and so high tropical biodiversity could no longer be attributed to climatic stability), and that glacial period cooling was associated with lower lake levels.

Dan was also an important catalyst in spearheading the deep-drilling work on African lakes. He is also very well known for other major contributions, not least of which was his work in the development of the piston sediment corer that most laboratories still use today, even more than 50 years after the original publication. Dan has served on the editorial board of the Journal of Paleolimnology since its inception in 1987.

Dan’s paper can be found here


Walt Dean

Walter Dean is one of the world's most cited authors in the field of geochemistry of both lacustrine and marine sediments deposited from the Permian to modern times. Walt was launched into both palaeolimnology and palaeoceanography by his doctoral work on the Permian Castle varved anhydrite of the Delaware Basin of west Texas and New Mexico, a saline lake on the western edge of Pangea. He has published well over 200 papers, mainly in leading journals, including Science and Nature. His most important lake research-related contributions are related to the carbon cycle, Holocene records of palaeoclimate, and continental drilling. Walt was one of the driving forces of the Elk Lake project that led to a milestone publication of interdisciplinary lake research. Besides his scientific excellence and diversity, Walt impresses by his enthusiasm for collaboration, his humour, his willingness to share knowledge and experience, and his support of young scientists.

Walt’s paper can be found here

Frank Oldfield

Frank Oldfield has made outstanding contributions to palaeolimnology. In collaboration with Roy Thompson, he discovered the potential value of mineral magnetic properties of lake sediment cores, first as a rapid and non-destructive method of core correlation, and second as a powerful technique for environmental reconstruction. His research created the entirely new field of Environmental Magnetism and he defined its scope through pioneering work applied to studies of climate change, soil erosion, and pollution history. Separately, having realised the deficiencies of contemporary models for deriving 210Pb chronologies for lake sediments, he developed and, with Peter Appleby, refined new methods of calculating 210Pb ages, methods that are now used routinely by 210Pb labs throughout the world. His early insights into the potential role of recent lake sediments as an environmental archive inspired his many graduate students and it laid the foundation for the explosion of studies in recent palaeolimnology that has occurred over the last forty years. He has published over 200 scientific papers and he is still actively involved in palaeolimnological research.

Frank’s paper can be found here

Springer Student Book Prizes 

The winners of the student prizes were Frederike Verbruggen (best oral presentation) and Alexandra Rouillard (best poster presentation). Both received Springer book tokens for $250.00.

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